Liturgy & Prayer
The Liturgy and Prayer Office has its main focus on maintaining the spirituality and connection through Liturgy of the Word and the Eucharist, as well as prayer & devotions; allowing everyone to have a God-experience during their worship with the community at St Mary’s.
Our Liturgical Ministries help create a conducive and spirit-filled space for worship so that we can come closer to God. In these trying times, we also see liturgy moving into digital as many are homebound and unable to join us in person for mass.
Our Prayer Ministries dedicate their time and spirit to praise God, and regularly meet to pray and intercede on behalf of our faith community. The members also reach out and serve in many ministries, keeping the parish life of St Mary’s vibrant and prayerful.
Liturgical Ministries
Lector Ministry
Music Ministry
Eucharistic Ministers
Liturgical Art & Flower Ministry
Knights of the Altar
Altar Servers
Children’s Liturgy
AV Ministry
Mandarin Liturgical
Tamil Liturgical
Prayer Groups
Legion of Mary
Divine Mercy
St Clare Intercessory Prayer Ministry
Praise God for His Providence
During the Circuit Breaker of 2020, we moved all our liturgical experience online with the Lectors and Music Ministry making the transformation from in church to online worship. The result: we have the largest collection of virtual choir and song collections in Singapore, with our lectors delivering over a year’s worth of daily liturgy and weekly masses online. Praise God for his amazing grace!
Music Ministry
Eucharistic Ministers
Liturgical Art & Flower Ministry
Sacristy Ministry 🔝
The Sacristy: a place in the church where all preparations for liturgical and sacramental celebrations are done.
Preparations such as setting up, clearing and sanitizing the altar space and vessels for every mass, and liturgical celebrations such as the Sunday Eucharist, weddings, funerals, baptisms, first holy communion, confirmation and penitential services.
Our team currently consists of a staff and volunteers who are dedicated and passionate in making all liturgical and sacramental celebrations run smoothly and meaningfully.
If you would like to know more, or want to be part of this team to assist God's people to pray, please get in touch via https://www.stmary.sg/contact-us
Divine Mercy
Taizé 🔝
What is Taizé? Taizé is an ecumenical Christian monastic community in France. The community is made up of brothers from all the continents and major denominations who gather together three times a day, seven days a week, throughout the year to pray. Each year, over 100,000 young people from around the world make pilgrimages to Taizé for prayer, Bible study, sharing, and communal work.
At St Mary of the Angels, a prayer and reflection service used to take place on the 2nd Saturday of each even month (pre-Covid).
To learn more about our activities, visit us at https://www.facebook.com/taizesmotasg.
To know more about Taizé, visit the Taizé website https://www.taize.fr/en.
For enquiries and more information email to charles.chan.sg@gmail.com.
St Clare Intercessory Prayer Ministry 🔝
St Clare Intercessory Prayer Ministry (SCIPM) meets every 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month for prayers, seeking God's mercy, compassion and healing when we intercede for one another and for those who have sent their petitions/intentions to the ministry.
For more details on joining our community of intercessors, please contact any of our leaders: