Weddings at St Mary’s

Congratulations! It’s a blessed occasion to be marrying the one you love and to pledge a commitment to building your lives together in the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony.

If you are planning to marry at St Mary’s, weddings are held on Saturdays*, either at 9am or 11.30am. It is preferable to book at least a year in advance, depending on the season. Reservation of the date is subject to availability and fulfilment of the required conditions.

*with the exception of Holy Week during Lent, the weekend before Christmas, days of obligation and on weekday public holidays.


Here are 6 essential points to note:

#1 👫For the Couple

At least one of you must be a baptised Catholic.

#2 📆Choose a Date. Your Celebrant

We will assign one of our priests to be your celebrant. However, if you have your own celebrant, please notify the Weddings Team. Kindly ensure that your priest has a solemniser licence.

#3 ⛪Book the Church

Check availability. Complete and submit the Wedding Booking Form. Collect and ensure you read all the critical information contained in the Wedding Guidelines! Come to the Wedding Preparation Night.


#4 💕Marriage Preparation Course

You must have completed the Marriage Preparation Course (MPC) or Engaged Encounter (EE) at least 4 months prior to the wedding date. Alternatively you may consider attending Couple Mentor Journey (CMJ).

#5 ✅Pre-Nuptial Inquiry

You MUST complete the Prenuptial Inquiry with your presiding priest at least 4 months before the wedding.

#6 📝Apply for a Marriage Licence

Application at the Registry of Marriages (ROM) can be no earlier than 3 months before and no later than 3 weeks before the wedding. 

Getting Started

  1. Check availability of your desired date via our calendar or e-mail

  2. If the date is available, download the Wedding Booking Form. Submit your completed Wedding Booking Form in person at our Reception Office, level 3 and collect the Wedding Pack. The pack contains essential information including our Wedding Guidelines, how to do your wedding booklet, information on the rehearsal, floral and choir arrangements, audio-visual support and more.

  3. A tentative booking will be placed and held for a maximum of 2 weeks for you upon submission of your form.

  4. Attend our Wedding Preparation Night which has been organised specifically to help with your preparations and answer the questions you may have.

  5. Our Reception venues are now open for booking but are subject to availability. Please refer to the Wedding Guidelines in our Wedding Pack for more information.

IMPORTANT: Please note that bookings are NOT confirmed till final confirmation is provided by St Mary’s in writing.

Have more questions or need more assistance? 
📩 Email: or
💬 Send a Whatsapp text message to 8858 7518

Do everything in LOVE!

- 1 Corinthians 16:14