House Blessing
“Live in me. Make your home in me just as I do in you. In the same way that a branch can’t bear grapes by itself but only by being joined to the vine, you can’t bear fruit unless you are joined with me.” - John 15:4
Do you wish to have your house blessed? House Blessings are traditionally requested by residents who move into new “Home” where the people nearest and dearest live together under one roof, sharing lives.
The occasion provides a special opportunity for a gathering of the members of the community to mark the joyful event and to thank God, from whom all blessings come, for the gift of a new home. Water that reminds us of our baptism in Christ is the principal element used to remind us that we live out the grace of our baptism first and foremost at home giving thanks for each other and praying for the grace to live in union with Christ.
Please note that the Blessing is given only when those who live in it are present.
House Blessing can be requested by all parishioners of St Mary of the Angels by contacting the parish office at 6567-3866, or using this form . We will then arrange for the priest to contact you and make the necessary arrangements with you.