‘Holy Baptism is the basis of the whole Christian life, the gateway to life in the Spirit and the door which gives access to the other sacraments. Through baptism we are freed from (original) sin and reborn as sons (and daughters) of God; we become members of Christ, are incorporated into the Church and made sharers in her mission.’ (CCC1226)
Youth/Adult Baptism
For Youths (13 to 17 years):
Catechetical instruction is required for one to be baptised. Click here for more info.
For Adults:
Baptism is normally administered with Confirmation and First Communion at Easter, initiating when the candidates are ready to commit their lives to God. This journey takes place within the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA).
Infant Baptism
The love that parents’ have for their child reflects God’s love for us. The gift of salvation through baptism is one of the greatest gift parents can give their children.
If you are looking to have your child Baptised at the Church of St. Mary of the Angels, please read all the instructions below before submitting any information. Our monthly Infant and Child Baptism Service is held on a Sunday at 3pm. Space is limited. Baptism dates are available on a first come, first serve basis. Baptism Service will commence only with a minimum of 5 registered children. Please note that there will be no infant baptisms during the season of Lent.
Infant Baptism at St Mary’s
For Parents:
For Infant Baptism, it is the parents who profess the faith on behalf of the child. Therefore, the Church requires the parents’ consent, assurance and acceptance of responsibility that the child has a Catholic upbringing after baptism. Parents are the primary and first educators of the children in the faith.
For Godparents:
You have been chosen to fulfil a very special and privileged role in the life of your godchild. Godparenthood calls for you to make room in your life and your heart for your godchild, to journey and to find ways to help him or her grow their relationship to God. It is a responsibility not to be taken lightly but a commitment to build a relationship of love, trust and support as they grow and mature in their faith formation.
Infant Baptism Requirements:
Children can be scheduled to be baptised, if at least one parent or legal guardian is Catholic. This is to ensure that the child will continue to be supported and guided in his/her faith journey after baptism.
You may choose up to 2 official Godparents. If 2 are selected, they must be of different gender. Both godparents must be practicing Catholics and over the age of 16.
A copy of the following documents will be required:
Your child’s birth certificate
A copy of your Church wedding certificate and Registry of Marriage certificate
The Baptism and Confirmation certificates of the nominated godparents
Consent Form for baptism of a Minor (attached with Application Form)
If you are unsure or have more questions, please contact baptisms.stmary@catholic.org.sg
Or speak to any of the priests at St Mary’s.
Baptism Preparation Session
Prior to presenting your child for Baptism, parents and godparents must attend a Compulsory Infant Baptism Preparation session. You will be informed of the details closer to the date of the preparation. The baptism preparation session is conducted in person at 7.30pm at Gubbio, located at Level 1 of the church on a pre-scheduled Tuesday.
Infant Baptism & Baptism Preparation Schedule
Check our Baptism & Prep Schedules
Baptism dates and availability of space are available on a first come, first served basis.
Baptism Service will proceed only if a minimum of 5 children are registered and confirmed.
Baptism Registration
To register your child for baptism, click the button below to download the Baptism form. Submit your completed Baptism Form in person at our Reception Office, Level 3.
For more information on the Baptism Service, click this button to download the Information sheet:
Post Baptism
When your child reaches the age of 6 years, do remember to register your child for catechism classes (for the following year).
If your child is older than 6 years, please seek assistance from your parish for bridging options for the Sacraments of Reconciliation and First Holy Communion.
For Parishioners of St Mary’s:
Children who are baptised at our parish are invited to continue their faith formation through our parish Catechism Programme.
Need more Help? Do contact:
Parish office and chat with us at 6567 3866.
Sacraments Co-ordinator – WhatsApp 8500 5289 or email us at baptisms.stmary@catholic.org.sg.