
Main Catechetical Programme (Catechism)

Catechism is the structured faith formation programme that aims to teach children and youth the basic doctrine and sacraments of the Catholic faith. The objective is to enable all to grow in faith and discipleship and to develop in them a loving and special relationship with God. Catechism for Primary school-going children will prepare them to receive the Sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion (usually when they are in Primary 3). The Sacrament of Confirmation is administered to Secondary 3 students as part of the Catechetic programme.


Registration for Catechism - Pri 1 to Sec 3 (2025)

(REGISTRATION CLOSED: Places for ALL Levels have been filled.)

Liturgical Catechesis
(Ages 7 - 12)

Our young individuals are led into the mystery of God’s love present within the sacred liturgy held by Mother Church.


Primary 1 & 2 : Children’s Liturgy of the Word

At St Mary’s, all Primary 1 & 2 children attend Children’s Liturgy (CL) of the Word as part of their faith formation process.


  • Saturday 4pm Mass

  • Sunday 9am Mass

(Children’s Liturgy session timings will be the same for 2025)

For any queries, please email to

Click below to learn more about Children’s Liturgy.

Primary 3 to 6

Sessions (hybrid format for 2025). DO NOTE THE NEW TIMINGS.

All sessions are held on Saturday.

  • Primary 3 (L3) : 9.15am to 10.45am

  • Primary 4 (L4): 11am to 12.30pm

  • Primary 5 (L5): 9.15am to 10.45am

  • Primary 6 (L6): 11am to 12.30pm

  • Primary 3-6 Bridging class: 9.15am to 10.45am

NOTE: For any queries, please email to

Community Catechesis
(Ages 13 - 15)

Community catechesis builds on the foundations established in Liturgical Catechesis and empowers the young individual to share, nourish and challenge his or her faith within a community.


Secondary 1 to 3

Sessions (hybrid format for 2025). DO NOTE THE NEW TIMINGS.

All sessions are held on Saturday.

  • Sec 1 (L7): 12.45pm to 2.15pm

  • Sec 2 (L8): 12.45pm to 2.15pm

  • Sec 3 (L9): 2.20pm to 3.50pm

  • Sec 1/2/3 Bridging class: 11am to 12.30pm

The Sacrament of Confirmation is administered at Secondary 3. Click below to learn more.

NOTE: For any queries, please email to

Interested to be a Catechist?

If you are interested to work with our Catechetical Ministry in imparting the faith to our youth, click below for more information about being a Catechist in St Mary’s: