Hospitality & Community

“To reach out to our fellow Catholics so that they encounter the face of Christ in our community!”

The Hospitality & Community Office at St Mary of the Angels aims to create a welcoming and pleasant environment for all who come here to experience God.

The Hospitality Ministries aspire to make you feel at home from the moment you step foot into our parish. They reflect the love of Christ through a smile or a simple greeting, and aspire that all who visit or worship at St Mary’s can truly say, “I’m glad I came!”

The Community Ministries are here to journey with you through different stages and seasons of your life. We invite you to reach out to a community which you may feel called to and immerse yourself in active, vibrant and loving fellowship; with companions of the same faith to grow and nourish your spiritual life!

Ministry of Hospitality


Neighbourhood Christian Communities (NCC)

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The Friar’s Brew

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Surviving Separation & Divorce


Ministry of Consolation (MOC)

St Mary’s Archangels


Family Life Communities

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Couples for Christ

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Singles for Christ

St Mary’s


St Mary’s Seniors

St Peregrine Cancer Support Group


 Language Communities


Mandarin Community




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Malayalam Community


Indonesian Community


Sri Lankan Community


Filipino Community


Ministry of Hospitality 🔝

From being wardens to safety ambassadors to ushers, the roles, responsibilities and scope of this team has evolved and expanded, especially after the pandemic. They play an important role in making St Mary’s a welcoming place for all while ensuring the safety of all parishioners and visitors. We need more to step up to be a part of the Welcome in St Mary’s!

If you want to find out more: Click HERE.

The Friar’s Brew 🔝

We are coffee enthusiasts who have found fellowship and friendship by serving the delicious brew to parishioners of St Mary of the Angels every weekend. Find us at Gubbio on Sundays (except 1st Sundays of the month) from 8am to 1pm serving up cups of love with a smile. Keen to join us? Contact Celeste Cheo & Rose Noronha at:


Ministry of Consolation 🔝

The Ministry of Consolation (MOC) is a group of dedicated parishioners who gather to give prayerful and spiritual support to bereaved families at wakes. Through our prayers and intercessions, we hope to bring the presence of Christ and the support of the Church to these people during their period of bereavement.

Together with the guidance of the friars, this ministry also nurtures the spiritual growth of its members through talks and retreats conducted by invited speakers.

For more information, please contact:
Penny Lau: 9774-7053
William Chong: 9696-3215

Click Here to access the Wake Prayers & Hymns

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Couples for Christ 🔝

(For the Filipino community)
Couple for Christ (CFC) is a Catholic movement intended for the renewal and strengthening of Christian family life. CFC couples have committed themselves to the Lord and to one another so that they may grow in maturity as men and women of God and fulfill their primary vocation of raising families grounded in Christian values, in the service and love of God. 

For more information, please contact Edwin Lim at or Mavi Lim at

To find out more, visit and Pontifical Council for the Laity.

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Singles for Christ 🔝

(For the Filipino community)
SFC Singles for Christ (SFC) aims to provide a Christian support environment for single men and women who are at the crossroads of their state of life, choosing between marriage, a religious vocation, or single blessedness. As a support environment, SFC":

  • Teaches the individual the right values to build their future in;

  • Surrounds the individual with friends who are well meaning and have a positive influence;

  • Provides the individual with opportunities to meet potential partners in life who believe in the same Christian goals and values;

  • Involves the individual in service that prepares them for the responsibility of marriage and family life; and

  • Helps those with a vocation for the priesthood or religious life to discern their calling. 

For more information, please contact JB Diaz at or Christel Galvero at

To find out more, visit Singles for Christ – Couples For Christ Singapore.

St Mary’s MOMs 🔝

St Mary's MOMs is an apostolate of the Church of St Mary of the Angels in Singapore. Working together, we offer support and affirm women in their many roles that are expected of them, as mothers, wives, daughters, sisters & friends.

St Mary's MOMs (M)eet (O)ther (M)om(s) is primarily a network to connect mothers to help other mothers where the need arises.

St Mary's MOMs is formed by women bonded by our vocation and our Catholic faith to share the joys and struggles of motherhood - both spiritual and physical mothers. Moms of all ages and stages are welcomed to participate in our gatherings and events.

It is our deepest desire to "meet you" where you "are" and to provide events, activities and resources to encourage you in your walk with Christ.

Our mission is three-fold - to serve and enrich our personal faith, our families and our parish.

For questions, suggestions, support or to connect with us, please email: 

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Malayalam Community 🔝

Members of the Malayalee community hail from Kerala, a southern state in India and Malayalam is their language. Christianity was brought to Kerala by St. Thomas, the Apostle, who landed in Kerala in AD 52. Currently 20% of the state’s population are Christians as against 2.3% of the Indian average.

The St Mary’s Malayalee Catholic community comprises these three rites of the universal Catholic Church:

  • Syro-Malabar Catholics (East Syriac Liturgy)

  • Roman Catholic-Latin Rite (Latin Liturgy)

  • Syro-Malankara Rite (West Syriac Liturgy)

There are about 70 Malayalee Catholic families in this parish, majority being from the Syro-Malabar rite (≥90%). The Malayalee community in St. Mary’s has always been involved in parish activities under various ministries and also has various prayer groups under the ‘Malayalam Charismatic Group’.

Contact: Mr. Manoj Mathew (email: