Knights of the Altar (KOTA)

About Us

Knights of the Altar (KOTA) is a liturgical ministry comprising over 80 active altar servers of boys aged between 9 to 20+ years old where we aim to foster friendship and spiritual growth in Christ through our sessions and service activities. 

Our Core Values: Service, Brotherhood & Sacrifice
Our Mission: To serve as Christ did

Our training is usually held on Sundays, from 2.30pm to 4.30pm. Come join us now and grow with Christ through Service, Brotherhood and Sacrifice! 

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Come Join Us!

As servers, you will grow closer to the Lord as you do your duty and serve mass. Our goal is for all servers to be a part of the church community, to build fraternity within each other and forge brotherhood. 

What We Do

The servers are separated into the 8 different mass timings, where we assist the priests at the altar, providing a prayerful ambience for the congregation.

Apart from our weekly Sunday masses, we also serve in funeral and wedding masses and actively participate in various church events such as our Feast Day and New Year’s Eve Countdown.


Besides serving in Church, our servers also participate in many activities organised by the Executive Committee of KOTA, such as our Annual KOTA Camp, Amazing Race and barbeque at West Coast Park. We also have smaller-scale activities such as Bowling and Futsal for our active servers during the school holidays. 

Our Leaders

Vishal Michael and Gabriel Ong, the President and Vice-President of KOTA respectively, lead KOTA with the assistance of their Executive Committee (EXCO) and the various Mass Leaders. 

The EXCO members help to organise and carry out server-wide activities for the ministry as well as handle the training of new severs.

The Mass Leaders assist in coordinating their assigned mass timings and help foster brotherhood and friendship between the servers.

More Information 

If you would like to join us or find out more information, please email to

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