Lector Ministry

Lord, invest me with your power as I prepare 
to proclaim the marvel of your message
I have prepared my reading
I have tried to take within me, 
the meaning of what I am about to proclaim
Help me to proclaim not just with my lips, 
but with my whole heart and soul
May your Spirit live in me 
and fill the holy word that I am about to proclaim


Lectors at St Mary say this prayer before they proclaim the readings at Mass. They pray that through their proclamation, the readings will come alive and live in the hearts of those who hear them.

Several days prior, the lectors would have prepared themselves adequately with a deep reflection of the readings at the preparation session. At these sessions, held every Tuesday 8 pm to 10 pm, lectors for the weekend masses come together to break the word of God, share and reflect on the readings for the weekend. These sessions also provide an opportunity for the lectors to practise their readings and improve themselves.


Qualities of a Lector:

If you are: 

  • a baptised and practising Catholic;

  • an adult who is committed and mature in handling, sharing and reflecting on scripture';

  • able to commit to reading duty once or twice a month, and able to attend the Tuesday night preparation sessions (8pm to 10pm), once or twice a month;

  • able to commit to serving St Mary of the Angels with no other commitments in other parishes;

  • a parishioner of St Mary of the Angels;


For more information, please contact James via smotalectors@yahoo.com.sg and leave your handphone number as the main contact.

Our Lectors in Digital Space

During the pandemic from 2020-2022, though unable to proclaim physically at masses, our lectors remained undeterred, and instead went on to record the readings, responsorial psalms and prayers for use in the weekly online masses and daily liturgy videos.

Watch as the lectors relate how they adapted to new norms and found ways to proclaim the Word of God from their homes, surmounting challenges with blankets, creativity and passion.