St Mary's Family Fiesta - Events & Activities From 2 Aug - 7 Aug

This coming week is our launch for St Mary's Family Fiesta! Here's a quick guide to what's happening for our first week of August. Come, join us and celebrate as a family at the Table of Plenty!

✴️ Parish Feast Day of Our Lady of the Angels, Tue 2 Aug
Mass Times: 7am · 12.15pm
7.15pm: Franciscan Crown Rosary
8pm* : Mass & Procession & Crowning of Our Lady (*VDS Mass)

✴️ Petition Boxes

We have placed 4 petition boxes around the baptismal font, where you can offer your petitions for Relationships, Family & Children, Sick & Elderly and Thanksgiving. Please fill up your petitions and drop them in the boxes. Our petitions will be offered up at the mass in the last week of August.

✴️ Angel Mural

Let your artistic skills come to play. After every weekend mass, you're invited to draw your very own angel on the mural. The banner is up around the podium at the piazza and volunteers will be present to guide you.

✴️ Activities & Events

5 Aug: Ride for a Bite (Cycling) 7pm to 12am. Cycle wit hus for supper time at Kent Ridge!

6 Aug: Archery Fun Shoot, Board Games, Captain’s Ball, Digital Studio - Movie Chase, Friar Cuts Salon

7 Aug: Super Sunday Snacks: From 8am to 2pm, delight your palette with tasty treats for the whole family at the Piazza and Gubbio.

✴️ Registration for talks and activities

For a list of activities and to sign up, please visit our website at


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