14 May – 5 Jun 2022
Thank you all for participating in the Quiz.
The following winners have answered all the 10 questions correctly & responded to 1 reflection question:
“How does the Creed help make a positive impact in helping you living out your faith more meaningfully?”
Audrey Koh
Bailyne Sung
Caecilia Bea Dwiwati
Chan Kok Seng, Philip
Christina Padman
Derek Smith
Florencia Edith Wiria
Genevieve - Jessica Soh
Ignatius Chuah
Irene Say Kim Lee
Jaiesh Sachi
Jannifer Wong
Jasjit Nehal
Justina Chearn
Linus Lee
Raymond Wong
Sherman Goh
All 22 winners have been notified via email and may collect your prize at the Reception Office starting this weekend, 25 - 26 June.
The Reception Office (formerly the Piety Shop) is located on the left side of the church and is open
Monday - Saturday 9:00 am - 6:00 pm
Sunday 9:00 am - 1:00 pm
Growing Our Faith in Our Easter Garden
These faith formation sessions will be led by our three Friars from St Mary’s who will guide participants line-by-line through the elegant and succinct words of the Creed. These words roll off our tongues easily, but are often not fully understood. Words, such as ‘believe’, ‘one God’, ‘incarnate’, and ‘consubstantial’, will resonate in your soul and more deeply give voice to your own faith once you experience the programme, aided by content from Bishop Barron’s study program The Creed. Come join in this 3-session programme as we enter the season of Easter!
The Creed – The Foundation of Our Faith (Course Ended)
Dates: 20 May, 27 May & 3 Jun 2022 (Fridays)
Time: 7.30pm – 9.30pm
Venue: Main Church
What do Catholics believe?
What do YOU believe?
What does it even mean to “believe”?
To answer these questions, come join us for a series of talks by our parish Friars who will be using content based on the study program by Bishop Robert Barron.
Bonus: Special limited edition fridge magnet will be given out to participants attending the programme!
Have a Question about The Creed?
If you have attended the talks and would like to ask the friars any relevant questions on the Creed, please use this form. The friars will try to answer them in the final session or via email.
“Unlocking the Beliefs of our Christian Faith”
14 May – 5 Jun 2022
@Church Piazza
This exhibition is where the elements of the Creed will come truly alive in you! Cover the exhibition at your own pace as we showcase and unveil the theological building stones of the different parts of the Creed in a manner that is both intellectually rich and spiritually inspiring.
What the Exhibition will showcase:
Origins of the Creed
Precedents to the Apostles’ and Nicene Creeds
What are the principle truths in the Creed?
The Four Marks of the Church
Where is the Apostles’ Creed found in the Bible?
What are the Twelve Articles of the Catholic faith in the Apostles’ Creed?
Apostles’ Creed in different languages
Creed Trivia – Did you know?
Personal testimonies
Image Credits: All images used here are from the Word on Fire website.