Little Rock Bible Ministry

“Ignorance of Scripture is ignorance of Christ” - St Jerome

Day of Recollection Jun 2019

Day of Recollection Jun 2019

The vision of the Little Rock Bible Ministry (LRBM) is to help “establish a community of intentional disciples where every member pursues an intimate, personal, sanctifying relationship with Jesus Christ and live the mission of the Church.” We aim to facilitate members and parishioners to become intentional disciples through the study of the Word of God and the teachings of the Church through bible study.

To learn more about LRBM, do drop us an email at:

Courses by Little Rock 

Sunday of the Word of God
21 January 2024

Sunday of the Word of God, celebrated on the 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time, was instituted by Pope Francis as a way to promote the study of Sacred Scripture.

 Past Courses & Programmes