"Cast the net on the right side of the boat, and you will find some." - John 21:6
Jointly organised by the Outreach Office and Youth & Young Adults Office, Friday's Catch is a series of formative talks by engaging speakers focusing on the teachings from Pope Francis’ encyclical, Laudato Si’, and covering topics that bring a deeper appreciation of creation through the lens of hope and joy. Thank you to all who have attended our talks!
Below is our last session for the year:
25 NOVEMBER 2022
Ecology & Spirituality
Nature is all around us. To encounter her, look no further than where you are. She is in our homes, outside our windows, on our way to work, and just about everywhere we go. Most importantly, we are all affected by her and rely on her for many of our comforts.
Join Kerry, Jaime, and Nicole for a panel discussion on ecology & faith, and how living out the advice in Laudato Si’ beautifully interweaves both.
This will be our final session of Friday’s Catch, hope to see you there! Click below to register in mycatholic.sg’s Events Hub below:
Our Panelists
Friar Vernon Chua
Custody Council Member, Guardian of Greccio Friary, and Postulant Master
Nicole Dorville Environmental Biologist/Ecologist
Kerry Pereira
Outreach Officer,
Nature Society (Singapore)
Jaime Lim
Environmental Ally,
Green Thumb, Vermicomposting Geek
Past Sessions
28 OCTOBER 2022
Civilisation of Love
Sr Theresa Seow, FDCC, will guide us on how we can nurture our spirituality, to contribute to the bigger picture of our common home through a Civilisation of Love, and also how we can discover God in all things or persons.
Speaker Profile - Sr Theresa Seow, FDCC
Sr Theresa Seow represents the Catholic Archdiocese of Singapore and serves as a Council member in the Inter-Religious Organisation (IRO) to foster good relations and builds bonds of friendship with people of other religions. Together with other religious leaders she collaborates and reaches out to the poor and needy locally and abroad regardless of race, religion and ethnicity.
She is currently the Supervisor of the Canossian Village and is also the Executive Director of Canossaville Children and Community Services.
22 JULY 2022
Ecological Economics - “Kiasu-merism”
This session will be conducted by Fr Glenn de Cruz, who will help us understand and realise how our actions, no matter how small, can impact society and the environment, and how we can strive to consume earth’s resources justly and prudently.
Speaker Profile - Fr Glenn de Cruz, CSsR
A Redemptorist priest ordained in 1988, Fr Glenn de Cruz has always been a keen nature lover since he was young, which moved him to join the Singapore Zoological Gardens from its inception in the 70s.
This vocational experience led him to understand that everything is interconnected in God’s creation. Subsequently, he joined the Redemptorists, whose charism is to preach the good news to the poor and most abandoned, who are very much a part of our "Common Home", the Earth.
24 JUNE 2022
The Cry of the Poor
Did you know that the Church's greatest treasure and riches are found in the poor, the lost and the abandoned? They play a great role in our Church! To find out more on how precious they are, come catch up with Fr Glenn de Cruz, who will share on the role of the poor in Church in Singapore, and how we can walk alongside with them.
22 APRIL 2022
Brother Sun & Sister Moon
Friar Derrick will connect the Encyclical to the CRY OF THE EARTH. This will also help us to appreciate why St Francis addresses Brother Sun and Sister Moon.