Masses during Chinese New Year

🧧 Fri 9 Feb, Chinese New Year’s Eve
7am, 12.15pm
(No 6.30pm Mass & Confessions)

🧧 Sat 10 Feb, Chinese New Year Day 1
CNY Masses*: 8am (Mandarin), 10am
Sunset Masses: 4pm, 6pm, 8pm (Tamil)

🍊 *Oranges will be blessed & distributed at the CNY Masses (and subsequent Masses thereafter, if still available).

🧧 Sun 11 Feb, Chinese New Year Day 2
7.15am (Mandarin), 9am, 11am, 1pm, 6pm
(No 5pm & 7pm Masses)

🧧 Mon 12 Feb (Public Holiday)
8am only

🧧 We wish all parishioners and friends who are celebrating a Happy Chinese New Year!

For latest Mass updates, visit

For Parish Office Closure details, click HERE.


Parish Office Closure during CNY


Manna in a Pot